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The story of Amalgam Brewery


The first tests, the first homebrewing beers. Recipes, ingredients and processes tested in various forms, up to the refinement of some recipes that could be made at another level.


Approvals, delayed deadlines, space arrangement, purchase of equipment for the brewery.


The first year we started craft beer under the Amalgam Brewery concept.

Thank you for the support and efforts of the family, friends and everyone who was involved in this journey. It was not easy, but good things require time, patience and last but not least, passion.

We continue to produce, guided by the passion to offer quality craft beer to the widest possible audience.

Restricted access

You must be at least 18 to drink an Amalgam beer

Sărbători fericite!

Comenzile plasate în perioada 01-08 mai 2024 vor fi prelucrate începând cu data de 09 mai 2024. Mulțumim de înțelegere!

Are you over 18?